
1 Bag Every Two Weeks

from $20.00 every 2 weeks

Sign up for a Subscription and receive one 12 oz bag of the monthly featured coffee, or the Landspeed blend every two weeks. The featured coffee is usually one of the new coffees on offering. This months featured coffee is JEIMY AGUILAR / HONDURAS.

*We use USPS Priority Mail. Orders are shipped on a reoccurring basis based on the day you placed your order. If your order is placed on Wednesday, it will ship on Thursday, and continue on a recurring 2 week basis. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us @info@middlestatecoffee.com (please note that your subscription will continue until you opt to have it stop)

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Landspeed 20 12oz.jpg

Additional Info

Pink Lemonade, Milk Chocolate, Complex, Berries

Location: El Vigon, Huila

Varietal: Caturra, Castillo

Process: Washed

Elevation: 1650 masl

Holy geez. We did it. We were finally able to purchase a coffee from the Infamous Elias Roa Parra, of Finca Tamana, in Huila Colombia. If you know, you know. If you don’t, your about to find out what attention to detail tastes like.

This dude and his family have been killing the game for over a decade now. Up until recently, he exclusively worked with only a select few coffee roasters from around the world, but with the growth and expansion of his operation, he has since opened the door to smaller roasters such as ourselves.

This coffee is simply beautiful with lots of sweet chocolate, nice bright cherry, and some pronounced lemon acidity to bring everything to synergetic harmony. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do, and we look forward to bringing you this coffee year after year.